The 1,361-acre Pierce Marsh Preserve is home to critical wetlands and is a coastal estuary that has become a sanctuary for a variety of flora and fauna in the midst of a nearby industrial corridor. Vegetation on the preserve is mainly composed of smooth cordgrass, saltwort, marsh hay cordgrass and other inter-tidal plant species. The area supports a large waterfowl population in the winter; wintering waterfowl include pintails, wigeon, gadwall, green-winged teal, and snow geese. The preserve is also home to a variety of year-round bird species. Shorebirds and wading birds utilize the flats and shallow marsh ponds. Pierce Marsh is located near vital colonial nesting islands and thus serves as an important feeding area during nesting season. The smooth cordgrass marshes and other open water areas are extremely valuable to estuarine organisms such as fish, crabs, shrimp, and benthic invertebrates. The marsh provides habitat for a variety of waterfowl, shorebirds, and wading birds; serves as nursery grounds for numerous estuarine organisms; and provides vital wetland functions such as erosion protection, water filtration, and storm surge buffer for Galveston Bay.
BIRDS : Waterfowl including Northern Pintail, Redhead, Canvasback, and Ring-necked Ducks use the site to winter, while Mottled Ducks are permanent residents. Tidal mud flats provide critical habitat for migrating shorebirds and provide yearlong habitat for wading birds. Species that use the site include: Reddish Egret, Black Rail, Black Tern, White-faced Ibis, Brown Pelican, Wilson’s Plover, Marbled Godwit, Red Knot, Willet, Long-billed Curlew, Sanderling, Least Sandpiper, Blacknecked Stilt, American Avocet, Ruddy Turnstone and Seaside Sparrow. Migrating songbirds use the riparian woodland for stopover and refueling
The preserve is located off State Highway 6. For more information, contact the Texas City Prairie Preserve at 4702 Highway 146 North, Texas City, TX 77590 Phone: (409) 941-9114